Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Terrorist arrests - France, Belgium, England

  1. A 27 year old man was arrested in Paris, in relation to the Belgian suicide terrorist that blew herself up in Iraq November 9th. The man is thought to have ties to a cell that sent Muslims fighters to Iraq, mostly from Belgium, but also from France. According to another source, the man is an acquaintance of the woman's husband.
  2. The Belgian federal police arrested 14 people in Brussels, Antwerp, Carleroi and Tongeren. Most of those arrested are Belgian, two of Moroccan origin and one from Tunisia. They are suspected of belonging to a terrorist organization in Belgium.
  3. British police arrested a 28-year old man suspected of buying weapons to commit a terror attack. The man was arrested in South Mimms, Hertfodshire.

De Morgen (Dutch) - 1, 2, 3

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