Saturday, December 03, 2005

Bouyeri put our new pamphelt from jail

After twice having his writing intercepted, Mohammed Bouyeri finally managed to get out a pamphlet from the prison hospital in Scheveningen.

It's unclear if it escaped attention or whether police saw nothing wrong with it.

The pamphlet was written under a pseudonym - Abu Zubair - and named "Jesus is the spirit of God". In it Bouyeri attacks moderate Islam, saying it is being abused by the Dutch gov't in order to thwart the message of Jihad. The pamphlet was passed on to Bouyeri sympathizers and is already making the rounds in extremist Muslim circles.

According to the pamphlet, it was prepared by the "Lions of Tawheed", a name that was used by suspected members of the Hofstad group.

Source: NRC Handelsblad (Dutch)

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