Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Weekly roundup

The Dutch court freed Rachid B., one of the suspects in the Hofstad Group case. Rachid was in jail for the past 13 months and the court expects that by that he will have finished his sentence already.

Spanish police uncovered six ‘underground’ mosques, suspected of inciting terrorism.

In the Netherlands, Rabobank tries to atttack new immigrant clients – the bank is offering deals on transferring money to Turkey, Morocco, Suriname and the Dutch Antilles.

Last October, an Afgahn asylum seeker threw his Dutch girlfriend and then her 8 year old son from the 5th story, before committing suicide himself.

The complaint against Vlaams Belang is getting bogged down by a judicial maze.

When police discovered plans by youth to set fire to the local mosque, the mayor of Zuid-Scharwoude tried to get things out in the open, organizing a citizen’s meeting to air out complaints.

Kader Abdolah, an Iranian asylum seeker living in Holland, is now putting out his 10th book – The House of the Mosque.

[I will translate more on any story upon request]

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