Sunday, December 04, 2005

Weekly Roundup 2

Not really weekly anymore, but things I found interesting...

Enough houses for large families - Rotterdam municipality pledges to put in extra effort to ensure enough houses for large families with a low income (, Dutch)

Turkish fashion designer to Rotterdam - Erol Albayrak, a Turkish fashion designer, is planning to set up house in Rotterdam, by request of the mayor.

Islam according to the Ahmadiyyas - The Ahmadiyya movement is re-translating a book that explains their customs and traditions. The book is called "The religion of Islam". The Ahmadiyya branch of Islam is practiced mainly by Muslims from Suriname, Pakistan and Indonesia. (, Dutch)

suicide bombers go global - An opinion article by Assaf Moghadam, who's under the impression that the terrorists of yesteryear only wanted a state of their own. (International Herald Tribune, English)

Jeans in Koran school - The Dutch kids who accompanied the royal couple on their visit to Morocco were surprised to find kids like them over there. (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, Dutch)

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