Sunday, December 18, 2005

Weekly Roundup

Young migrants are underrated – teachers are more likely to direct migrant kids towards a trade education, while sending Dutch kids with the same prospects to higher education. (Het Parool, Dutch)

Half of integration campaign costs will go to media – About half of the 10 million Euro spent on the 3 year long campaign to enhance integration in the Netherlands will be on media advertising. The rest will go to organizing events, PR and office costs for the consortium that was developed for the campaign. (De Telegraaf, Dutch)

Two kids, ages 13 and 14, were arrested by police for posting discriminatory remarks about two fellow Turkish pupils who had recently died. The two had cheered their deaths and celebrated that now Netherlands had two less Turks.
(Het Parool, Dutch)

First Mosque in The Netherlands celebrates 50 year jubilee – though not all Muslims consider this a true Mosque, as it belongs to the Ahmadiyya branch of Islam, the Mobarak Mosque, which was built in 1955, has the distinction of being the first mosque in the Netherlands.
(Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, Dutch)

Islamic group holds protest march – 8000 Muslims from across the UK took part in a march against the proposed anti-terror laws. The march was organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir, an organization dedicated to returning the Halifate. (BBC, English)

German Muslims Dream of Trouble-free Hajj – About 5000 Muslims from Germany intend to make the Hajj trip this year. (Islam Online, English)

The Belgian social inspection has caught 1,669 illegal immigrants in 2004. (De Standaard, Dutch)

France revises ‘colonial praise’
Jacques Chirac has given orders to look into revising a law passed by the French parliament that intended to give a positive spin to French colonialism. (Het Parool, Dutch)

Darfur slaughter not serious enough for asylum policy – according to current European policy victims of the Darfur genocide are turned away. (Which begs the question: if the refugees of a Muslim massacre are turned away, who isn’t?) (Nederlands Dagblad, Dutch)