Monday, December 26, 2005

Pork soup

Soulidarieta (solidarity), an extreme-right French group has opened up a new soup kitchen in Nice. In order to make sure that none of Nice's many Muslims don't drop by, they pass out pork soup.

I do not agree with what this group is doing, but I don't understand the uproar over it:
1. Nobody can force people who give charity to give it in any special way. What's next? Requiring vegan options?
2. No religion forces a person to starve to death.
3. There is a Catholic charity group distributing vegetable soup outside their church right next door. The poor are not thrown out, but have the option to choose what they want.

"This pork-based soup kitchen is pure discrimination, it's an in-your-face way of telling people who don't eat pork - you can stay in your cardboard boxes and starve," said Teresa Mafeis, holding back tears of anger."After the holidays, we're going to set up our own soup kitchen and there will be shorba for everyone," she said, using the Arabic word for soup.

Again, nobody is forcing her to come to these specific soup kitchen, and nobody is preventing her from taking care of the Muslim poor right now (why wait till after the holidays?). Besides, when they do open their own soup kitchen, is the Muslim community going to make sure it's kosher?

Source: Haaretz (English)

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