Stickers against the Koran have appeared around the mosque in Brno and in the Prague underground probably with the aim to stir up conflicts and encourage prejudices, Vladimir Sanka, deputy head of the Muslim Communities Centre, told CTK on Tuesday.
"We know nothing about it. We are not investigating any similar case," Prague police spokeswoman Eva Miklikova told CTK on Tuesday.
The stickers quote passages from the Koran that are allegedly at variance with the human rights concept in the Western world, which is supported by references to the Human Rights Declaration.

our signs, we will broil them with fire.." to Article 5 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights "No one shall be subjected to torture
or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment" , Brnensky denik)
"The quotes are taken out of the context," Sanka said, adding that the two texts cannot be compared in this way.
The Brnensky denik local daily reported on Monday that similar stickers were displayed near the Brno mosque that became a target of an attack by unknown vandals in the past.
Source: Prague Monitor (English)
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