Monday, February 09, 2009

Belgium: Military union complains about illegals shelter

Belgium: Military union complains about illegals shelter

I'm starting to understand why in Belgium and France illegal immigrants are called 'people without papers'  (sans-papiers).  One would expect that illegal immigrants would not be getting government help.  Or if they are, it would be as part of a deportation process. 

Earlier this year there was a lot of talk about Europe having to prepare for the coming of 'ecological refugees', but I assume most of these people, who do not qualify for refugee status in Belgium today, would not be freezing in their home countries.


The VSOA, union of military personnel in Belgium, protests against giving shelter to illegal aliens in the sports hall of the military quarter in Evere.  "The soldiers won't be able to do sports till the end of March.  That's unacceptable," says the union.

According to the union, the Brussels welfare department enlisted the military's help in order to offer shelter to illegal aliens.  Buses arrive almost daily after 5pm, with families that spend the night in quarantine, due to the risk of TB.

Due to that more than 5,300 personnel can no longer train and prepare for their annual sports tests.  Chairman Erwin De Staelen wonders who will pay the expenses and what will happen with the statutory physical tests of the military candidates.

VSOA also points out security problems.  The illegals could walk about freely in the quarter, next to the NATO base, and the personnel don't have the necessary masks and gloves to collect the used bed-clothes.  The union suggests an empty hangar in Peutie or the military hospital in Neder-Over-Heembeek as alternative shelters.

Source: HLN (Dutch)

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