Outlandish propoganda?

An opinion article on Jyllands-Posten accuses Danish music group Outlandish of using subliminal messages. Their music video "Aicha" has several segments showing an apparently European girl looking at herself critically in the mirror, putting on a veil and only then feeling happy with herself.

But then, Outlandish are a decidedly Islamic group and they never hide that they're spreading a message.

Source: Jyllands-Posten (Danish), h/t Hodja (Danish)


Fran said...

pronto tendremos que imitar a los reyes catolicos

Anonymous said...

Fran, ha llegado la hora...

"Cálzame las alpargatas, dame la boina, dame el fusil / cálzame las alpargatas, dame la boina, dame el fusil... que voy a matar más guiris / que voy a matar más guiris / ¡que voy a matar mas guiris que flores tienen mayo y abril! / ¡¡que voy a matar mas guiris que flores tienen mayo y abril!!

Que yo me voy, que yo me voy, que yo me voy a la facción..."

Celeritas said...

My take on the video is that the white woman is a Muslim who doesn't wear hijab but is doing wudhu (purification before prayer) of which we see at part of, in that she is watching her hands, she then puts the hijab on to pray and smiles because she is happy to be going to pray.