Thursday, March 06, 2008

Maastricht: "Osama bin Laden" serious insult

Whoever calls his Moroccan neighbors 'Osama bin Laden', in this current era of increasing tensions around Muslims, is guilty of deliberate insult and thus of a crime, according to a Maastricht judge.

He sentenced a woman from the Maastricht neighborhood of Nazareth to an unconditional fine of 350 euro because she had 'cursed' her neighbor (a practicing Muslim) as 'Osama bin Laden' during a street fight on October 2006. In the social Dutch context of today this is an insult, certainly if it's directed at a neighbor of Muslim origin, according to the judge. He further considered the fact that the woman had said during the fight, "dirty Muslim, go back to your own land." The prosecutor - who referred to what he sees as the escalating situation around PVV politician Geert Wilders - had demanded a fine of 700 euro, half conditional, in consideration of the seriousness of the insult.

Source: Limburger (Dutch)


Anonymous said...

The weird thing is that I´ve never heard anyone being fined for calling another person Hitler eventhough it happens quite often when someone dares to be critical of imigration.

Anonymous said...

One law for the kafir and another law for muslims. It feels like I am living in a muslim country already. Who do I pay my jizya to?.

Anonymous said...

Why are socialist Europeans so f'ing INSANE?!?

Talk about laughing in your faces; your immigrants laugh and spit in your faces, but, such is what your leftards apparantly want, bend over backwards for them, wow, this wolrd is doomed.....