Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Germany: Proposal for more Turkish courses

Turks in Germany accept German is the official language taught at schools throughout the country but call for more Turkish courses. Just as the Europeans are pressing the Turkish government for Kurdish courses, it is the same with the Turks living in Germany, says MP Hakkı Keskin

A proposal from Germany's Green Party Co-chairman Cem Özdemir to give additional Turkish language courses in German schools has received overwhelming support from members of the Turkish community.

"Özdemir's proposal is nothing new but it is a fair demand. We have been defending this for 15 years. Turkish courses in German schools will help integration," Turkish-born member of the German parliament Hakkı Keskin told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review.

"German must always be the most important language for children who live and grow up in Germany. But we also need to make sure that children with an immigrant background can develop their multilingualism. Why not offer more Turkish in addition to English, French, Spanish and Russian?" Özdemir said in comments published in the Turkish and German press.

"Germans say multilingualism is important but they change their attitude when it comes to Turkish," said Kenan Kolat, head of the Turkish Federation in Berlin.

Turkish courses are among optional language courses at schools in a few German states densely populated by Turkish immigrants but they are not taught as a mother tongue. Turkey's consulates in Germany also offer Turkish courses to voluntary Turks in evening classes separate to Germany's official school curriculum. That means the marks given by Turkish teachers in these courses are not directly reflected in the school reports of immigrant pupils.

"I have been critical of Turkish courses offered by the consulates from the very beginning. Turkey should not set aside extra funds from its budget to send teachers to Germany. Instead, the German government should offer Turkish courses," said Keskin.

Turks in Germany do not oppose German being taught at schools as the official language but want Turkish to be taught as a mother tongue and as one of the optional language courses after a certain age, he said.

"Turkish immigrants have the right to learn their mother tongue. Just as the Europeans are pressing the Turkish government for Kurdish courses, it is the same with the Turks living in Germany," said Keskin. Turkish representatives complained about the low interest in optional Turkish courses given at some German schools.

"Turkish courses, also attended by Germans, start from abc, prompting Turkish pupils not to join the classes," said Kolat. "New classes are not opened when students do not opt for it."


Source: Hurriyet (English)


FreeSpeech said...

Turkish courses should be financed by the parents. there is no public interest inthose courses.

Bryce Wesley Merkl said...
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