On Wednesday Filip Dewinter (Vlaams Belang) intends to visit the Turnhoutsebaan street in Borgerhout to hang up street signs saying "No Jihad Street". The local store association reacted with shock. "Pure provocation and without respect for every Borgerhout resident and for anybody who works for years to upkeep this shopping street," says president Alain Herremans.

Source: HLN (Dutch), HLN 2 (Dutch)
Update 2
Borgerhout is, of course, part of Antwerp, not of Brussels. I had Brussels on my mind when I posted this.. :-)
Of course we have respect for people trying to keep up this shopping street, but foreigners don't have any respect for us and make that street terribly dangerous, so that many people don't dare to shop there any more.
Vlaams Belang is one European party that is going to get things done. Lucky Flanders.
Exactly what is becoming dangerous about our society. We are all becoming cowards: "Please don't say anything bad about Muslims (even if true) because they may come to kill us!"
all those peoples opposing jihad street are suckers
He has the right idea, why want islamic/fascist/terrorist people around
Kill 'em all, let allah sort them out!
I thought most Europeans were just a bunch of weenies, maybe I'm wrong?
probably if the sign said no christans allowed it would have been ok
Go to www.memri.org and see what Islam is saying about us. Where is the coverage in hte Western media? For 100 years we have been pouring ht e wealth of the world into their hands... and we expect there will be no conscequence... Why do we think this Islam is satisfied with the status quo?
Wake up Europe.
Kinda reminds me of No Fat Belgian Bastards Street back home!
Who wants Jihad on their streets?
Sounds quite sensible to me.
Don't have to worry about suicide bombers, knife-waving fanatics, hate-mongers and garden variety lunatics.
Goed zo!
Hup Belgie Hup!
Know muslims. know jihad.
no muslims. no jihad.
"The local store association reacted with shock."
Who is "the local store association"?
Who are "the local joung ones"?
Yes, always the same!
Hmm, I'm wondering if there is another dimension to this. To non-Muslims, "jihad" means "Let's kill the unbelievers". To Muslims, it means something more like "righteous struggle". Physical fighting is actually called the "lesser jihad".
no robin. according to every ACCEPTED SCHOOL OF ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE jihad is taken to mean the eternal struggle of the ummah against the infidels until the ENTIRE WORLD is brought under islamic hegemony. WE REFUSE to swallow any more tripe and say thanks for the filet mignon. No your subject or shut your mouth.
Please stop trying to sell this "kinder, gentler jihad" to westerners. You should instead be trying to convince your "peaceful" co-religionists" this particular definition of jihad. Try selling it in Dafur, in Thailand, in Timor, in the Sudan. Try selling it in middle eastern countries where minority christians are brutalized. Who can say Copts with me now? Try selling it to the parents of the 3 christian girls who had their heads cut off by these "peace loving internal spiritual strugglers". We in the west are finally having the blindfolds removed and now see this "religion" for what it truly is...a totalitarian, misogynistic, arabcentric,death cult better left in the 7th century desert from which it sprang.
The problem in Europe can be summed up in one word "multiculturalism". This harbinger of riots,whining, and the like actually attempts to say that all culture are equal. Europe actually bought into the notion that the culture that gave us Shakespeare, Keats, Dante, Boticelli, Michangelo, and DaVinci is "equal" to one that has given us...well um..religion. They actually believe that Van gogh,Pavarotti, Churchill, Roosevelt and Rembrandt are equal to.. well, um more religion. That Wordsworth, Eco, Twain, Einstein, Hawking, Cervantes, Hugo, the Beatles, the moon landing, western medicine, Newton, Degas, and so many more are the equivalent of even more oppressive, humanity- draining religious rules, laws and customs. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Wake up Europe!!! Embrace your heritage, don't run from it!! It is what gives you your humanity after all and CERTAINLY elevates you above the this totalitarian regime that seeks your demise. It is only through abandoning multiculturalism and embracing your own values and rich heritage that you will see how truly special what you seek to throw away really is.
Good for you Belgium! Mike
Multiculturalism is first and foremost the reality of the world in the 21st century.
I LOVE BORGERHOUT; she's concretely loyal of how the amalgame or at least interdependent net of nationalities and cultures contribute to the realization that man is one despite the outer illusion of what is called different cultures and religions.
Make a world tour in Borgerhout; you do not need to necessarily accept the different fashions of dressing or conducting a dialogue; of speaking, of walking, eating, working etc, yet, what is needed from all of us as egalitarian representants of the human race is to tolerate, i.e. let live.
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