
Source: WorldPublicOpinion
Osama Bin Laden is still alive but Al-Qaeda has lost the capacity to organise large-scale attacks, according to Italy's leading anti-terrorism expert, Stefano Dambruoso.
Nevetheless, Dambruoso told Adnkronos on the anniversary of the 11 September attacks in the United States that Al-Qaeda was still a dangerous and widespread phenomenon that we would have to face for many years.
"Since then we have learned a lot, we have far more experience and capacity to better monitor sources of risk from this phenomenon with which we live, but we must remain on high alert," he said.
"Italy, like many European countries, is certainly more secure because it has increased the capacity of the security forces to prevent organised attacks.
"However, it should be said, without generating alarm, that security forces would find it difficult to prevent a single Al-Qaeda member or small groups, that are not directly linked to a central terror group."
Source: AKI (English)
Al-Qaeda no longer has the capacity to organise the attacks on United States cities it carried out on 11 September 2001 - but a new "spectacular" attack in Europe cannot be ruled out, according to a high ranking German terrorism expert.
"We cannot rule out a new spectacular attack by Al-Qaeda in Europe, given that the terrorist organisation is no longer capable of organising major attacks in Washington or New York," the expert told Adnkronos International (AKI), speaking on condition of anonymity.
"Today ,Al-Qaeda is no longer able to strike as it did seven years ago, and it finds itself under pressure in Europe, even if this organisational crisis should not be interpreted as inability to act in Europe," the expert said.
He holds a senior post in the German Chancellor's office.
"Al-Qaeda is ideologically stronger than it was on 11 September, 2001. But its organisation is now so fragmented and decentralised that it can no longer carry out attacks such as that against the World Trade Centre.
"But it could simultaneously detonate 10 or 20 bombs in as many countries," the expert warned.
"Fragmentation and decentralisation are at the same time a source of strength and weakness.
"Many organisations that take up the ideology disseminated by (Al-Qaeda leader) Osama Bin Laden and (second-in-command) Ayman al-Zawahiri act completely autonomously, as for example the groups operating in Iraq or in North African countries," said the expert.
The real threat to Europe is homegrown groups that set themselves up outside Al-Qaeda but which attend its training camps along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the expert argued.
"The immigrant factory worker in Europe who spends several weeks of his holidays in Afghanistan or Pakistan to attend training camps and receive indoctrination is the real danger.
"He returns from his holidays and organises an attack on a city he knows very well and where he is supposedly integrated," the expert stated.
As long as terrorism has operational bases in other continents, it will be difficult to fight the phenomenon in European countries, he noted.
Source: AKI (English)
Today, September 11th, marks seven years since the terror attack on the US. In Sweden, head analyst in the secret police Säpo’s counter-terrorism unit spoke to Swedish Radio’s P1 Morgon programme about changes to the risk.
Admitting the terrorist threat is moving northwards through Europe, Malena Rembe says it has hit southern neighbours Denmark, but not yet reached Sweden.
The reason being, she says, is Sweden’s good reputation in many Muslim regions of the world. This is partly because to Sweden’s neutrality but also due to the high numbers of immigrants this country has accepted.
Source: SR (English)
Søs Fenger and Isam B will appear at the municipality square in Copenhagen this evening, in remembrance of the attack on the World Trade Center on Sep 11th, 2001.
The two singers are part of the song event "Danmark For Alle" (Denmark for everybody) where Danish colleges will turn this tragic day into a day where we in Denmark celebrate liberalism, community and diversity.
"One of the college's many communal activities is singing, and with our song event we want to mark and publicize this openness," says Helga Kolby Kristiansen, head of the Folkehøjskolernes Forening i Danmark (Danish Association of Community Colleges).
The concert will take place in the front of city hall in Copenhagen between 7pm and 9pm. Earlier in the day there will be communal singing from the college songbook with several cultural personalities such as Peter Aalbæk Jensen and Jakob Hougaard.
Source: Avisen (Danish)
1 comment:
Fascinating tribute. At least in most of the Western world over 50% think AQ was responsible. Good for the Kenyans and Nigerians. I have no doubt AQ is responsible but there are a lot of strange findings. Very mysterious. Not only would Bush/Cheney never want to do this, they could never carry it out, and especially never keep all the people involved quiet about it.
Of course, the FBI and CIA efforts on finding the inevitable accomplices that must have been involved is shameful.
Now, for my flashback: I was getting ready to get ready for work; Howard was on the radio, the TV's sound was muted.
I finally looked up and saw the tower with smoke pouring out of it and said "what the...", and then turned the sound on and just then my sister called and we watched and talked about it for a few minutes until the 2nd plane hit.
We were both "Oh my God..."
For the next week or more my nabes was like a demilitarized zone or something, only official traffic allowed. Lots of firetrucks and buses filled with fireman and rescue workers streamed through the neighborhood on their way down to Ground Zero.
Thankfully I lost no one, but know many people who did, including a friend at work who had joined us from Cantor Fitzgerald after being there for 10 years. He lost over 100 friends and acquaintances, including 3 of his best friends who I had met at a birthday party at a club about 6-12 months before.
They loved the nickname I had given him.
A friend of mine called his wife at home and said "Go and get a few hundred dollars out of an ATM, quick!" She finally had to go way uptown to find one that still had cash in it. But on the way back to their apartment she ran into many upper-class Mommies out on the streets (with their husbands still on their way home from work, hopefully) with their little kids and no way to get cash, and all of them crying and scared, and so little by little she gave away all her money to these scared and crying young Mothers.
So many stories, maybe I'll recount more next year.
We must not let people forget, and we must never refuse to recognize evil.
we will NOT forget
you 9/11 victims
will get justice
painful truth -
9/11 should be our
wakeup call
get Bin Laden -
we just need big SWAT team
and search warrant
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
there is no good or evil
every thing's relative
don't judge a terrorist
All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
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