Monday, October 08, 2007

Netherlands: News watching habits among immigrants

19% of Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese and Antilleans in the Netherlands have never watched the 8pm NOS Journaal. 32% have never watched RTL Nieuws. That's according to a survey by research bureau Foquz Media among 2400 immigrants aged 15 years and up.

Of the immigrants, 11% never watch news on Dutch television. In the 15-19 age group about 30% have never watched Dutch TV news. Surinamese watch NOS Journaal the most and Turks most often RTL Nieuws.

On average 61% of immigrants tune in weekly to NOS Journaal, with 48% to RTL Nieuws. The two programs get about the same assesment, about 7.

Immigrants watch actuality program less often, with the various such Dutch shows (Nova, Netwerk, De Wereld Draait Door) attracting about 25% of immigrants.

(the article did not bring comparison to TV watching habits among the Dutch.)

Source: Elsevier (Dutch)

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