Paris: Appeal against loudspeaker sermons

The following open letter was written by Laurent Brodhac in the secularist paper Riposte Laïque.  The Omar Ibn-Al Khattab is suspected to belong to the Muslim Brotherhood. 


To the attention of Patrick Bloche, mayor of the 11th arrondissement, deputy for Paris,

Mr. Deputy-Mayor,

For many months now the Omar Mosque which every Friday takes over Moret street and stops traffic in order to pray, from now imposes its sermons on all the neighbors by broadcasting them via loudspeakers in the street.

In a secular democracy citizens have a right to expect of a religious movement that it will not force the whole neighborhood to follow its sermons.

If secularism allows everyone to live their religious convictions freely, it equally requires respecting the opinions of others.
I don't need to shut my windows to avoid hearing "Allah Akbar" chants resonating in the street.
Opposite the cultural center of the  Maison des Métallos and near the Place de la République square, I want to believe that the state of law can again enforce itself.

As we are in Paris, the responsibility of the arrondissement mayor is as important as that of the police commissioner.

That is why, Mr. Bloche, I appeal to you, as mayor, but also as a deputy, to apply the constitutional values of our Republic and to allow everybody to live together with respect for each other.

In the hope of hearing from you favorably, Mr. Deputy-Mayor, yours sincerely,

Source: Riposte Laïque (French), h/t Le Blog Laiciste


Anonymous said...

You would think they would learn from Verona. They demolished the mosque because of the muezzins. Aren't there laws against noise pollution in France? They keep their streets so clean, you would think they would do something about audio garbage traveling through the air.

Anonymous said...

My God! When will the people finally say: enough!
It seems all of Europe has been neutered!